
Draco's Hero - Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 - Harry's Journal

"I'm going to work." Harry said, slipping on his coat.

"I'll just be here then." Draco replied in a rather cheery sarcastic tone.

"Obviously." Harrys reply was a little more dry before he apparated off. Draco sighed of relief. Being in the same room was torture for him, he was starting to think Azkaban would be better than actually living with Potter for a few days.

Bored out of his mind, Draco decided to explore the place his enemy lived in. What dirt could he scrap up about Harry while he was gone, off fighting the rebellions? Draco made his way up to Harrys bedroom. A perfect place to start! The room was kind of messy. The bed unmade, a wrinkled shirt on the floor with books scattered everywhere. Fingerprints on the window even! Draco snorted. He picked up a brown leathery book off of Harrys bedside table and opened it up. It was stuffed with dated pages of Harrys handwriting. Harrys journal, perfect.

He slipped back downstairs into the kitchen and helped himself to a cup of coffee. Afterwards, Draco made himself comfortable in the living room with his new found book and drink.

"Let's see, where to start."

Draco noticed the first few pages were back from the beginning years of Hogwarts. How boring. He skimmed the pages until he caught sight of his own name somewhere around the seventh page.

"... a bright white snowy owl! I named her Hedwig. Before I knew that though I had to get robes, which was dumb because there was this boy in there who was kind of rude. He told me today when we met on the train that his name was Draco. That means dragon doesn't it? I think so. I don't think I trust him very well..."

Draco couldn't help but laugh. He laughed at quite a few things too, like during fourth year how he had developed an interesting crush on Cho Chang, or how much he started hating Draco every year, or how he and Ron used polyjuice potions in second year to find out if Draco was the heir of Slytherin. This was all too good. Something else came up near the middle.

"... He killed Dumbledore. I knew I didn't trust him, I'm going to kill him one day. He trusted Snape! And that Malfoy- damnit! How could he! I'd expect a slight amount of decency from him, trying to kill his own Headmaster! I'll kill him too! I hate Malfoy!..."

Malfoy smirked. He got under Harrys skin quite often during Hogwarts. The feeling was mutual, unfortunately. They both despised eachother. Even still.
Malfoy grabbed a pen off of the coffee table. He had nothing better to do then mess with Harrys mind. He flipped to the next available empty page, but stopped as he noticed his name on the last written page, dated from last night.

"...This is weird. Malfoy is sleeping in my house. I never thought there would ever be a day in my life I'd let that happen. What else could I do? I couldn't send him out there to be taken away. I don't feel sorry for him, but as much as I hate, and I mean really hate to do so, I know he needs help. He probably will never admit it, especially to me, but he does. I won't say anything, but I'll keep him safe anyway. It's the least I could do, for someone who hates me so much..."

Draco stared and read the paragraph over and over again. It seemed as if Harry had actually cared about Dracos safety. He was right, this was a little too weird. He shook the strange thoughts out of his head, and began to write.

"Potter, I'd like to congratulate you. It's like you've snuck into the back of my mind and read all of my thoughts. Kind of what I just did to you, except read your thoughts on paper.
I don't actually need your help, but I find it rather amusing that you continue to flatter yourself by pushing your ego higher and higher. Good luck with that reputation of yours, Potter.

Feeling accomplished, Draco closed the journal before returning it to Harrys desk.

"Had an interesting read, did you?"

Draco snapped around. He expected Harry to be standing there, but found no other than Hermione Granger staring him in the face.

"Hello Malfoy." She spat angrily. "What are you doing? Invading Harrys privacy while he had the courtesy of letting you live here? That's awfully selfish, even for you."

"I suspect he's told you all about his little plan then, yes?" Draco said, crossing his arms over his wrinkled tee-shirt.

"As a matter of fact he has. And neither Ron or I approve. But, Harry seems to know what's best so we've got his side no matter what! And going through his private journal isn't exactly helping you know! The least you could do is respect him a little!" She snapped, voice rising louder every word she said.

A laugh escaped Dracos mouth. "You expect me, to listen to you? Out of all people I'd rather listen to Potter over you."

"You listen to me, Draco Malfoy!" Hermione shoved a finger at his chest. "You rip that page out RIGHT now and never tell him what you've done! You hear me? He'll have you out of here and sent to the other half-dead Death Eaters in an INSTANT!"

Draco was rather frightened by this tone from Granger. "Alright, alright! Settle down. Touchy today are we?" He mumbled, ripping out the page and sticking it in his pocket. "Feel better now?"

"Absolutely." Hermione sighed and left the room. "Now, get out of Harrys room."


"What exactly are you doing snooping around Potters house anyway, Granger?" Draco asking, taking a bite out of a piece of bread.

"He had asked me to keep an eye on you. It's the weekend and I don't need to be at Hogwarts."

"So, you believe him?"

"About what?" Hermione asked, sipping her tea, still furious with Draco.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about."

"Alright, fine. Yes, I do believe Harry. And if he were mistaken I'm sure you already would have left killing off muggles like they're flies."

"Well, they are-"

"Shut up Malfoy!" Anger swept over Hermione again, but caught herself before she said something she'd regret.

"Alright, don't get your knickers in a twist." Draco rolled his eyes and stared out the window. He wanted to leave so badly.
So, I'll probably be updating a lot less. 9 chapters in one day unfortunately will never happen again, teehee. I'll probably cut down to maybe two or three, seeing as how I'm back to work now. Hopefully I'll update as much as possible!

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Keiimuru's avatar
Ah I love this so much... ❤❤